Pecten (Flabellipecten) stearnsii

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Specimen #1053
Taxon: Pecten (Flabellipecten) stearnsii Dall
Locality: Pacific Beach, San Diego County, CA
Age: Pliocene
Rock unit: San Diego Formation
Collector: W. Itano

Right valve (left) and left valve (right) of the same individual. The right valve is convex, while the left valve is flat. My reference for this identification was L. G. Hertlein and U. S. Grant, IV, 1972, "The Geology and Paleontology of the Marine Pliocene of San Diego, Caliornia (Paleontology: Pelecypoda)" Memoir 2 (Part 2B), San Diego Society of Natural History. This bivalve is extinct, but is closely related to the living Pecten diegensis. The height is 9.6 cm.

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Last modified: January 1, 1999. Send comments to