Inoceramus erectus Meek

Taxon: Inoceramus erectus Meek
Locality: Lyons, Boulder County, CO
Age: Cretaceous Period, Coniacian Stage
Rock unit: Niobrara Formation, Fort Hays Member
Collector: W. Itano

This is a large bivalve. Most of what you see is a mold. Some of the original shell is visible on the sides. (Length 14 cm.)

Some Inoceramids grew to enormous sizes. A picture of one of them, said to be the largest bivalve in the world is on display at the website of the Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen. Another large Inoceramid can be seen at the website of the Emporia State University Geology Museum in Emporia, Kansas.

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Last modified: May 27, 2001. Send comments to