Michelle Itano

Michelle's picture

I am currently a student at Washington University in St. Louis. I graduated from Fairview High School in June 2002. Before Fairview, I went to Southern Hills Middle School where I was President of the Student Council. I also had a part in the school musical, "The Coney Island of Dr. Moreau." In 1997, I won several prizes at the State Science Fair for a project on detecting natural radiation with a cloud chamber. One of my prizes was a week at Space Academy in Alabama, awarded by Lockheed Martin Astronautics. In 1998, I won several awards at the Colorado State Science Fair for a project on detecting meteors with an FM radio. In 2001, my project, "Investigations of Capricious gene expression in Drosophila wing development" won a third prize in the Zoology Division at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in San Jose, California. In 2002, a continuation of the same research won a second prize in zoology at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Louisville, Kentucky. I enjoy singing and playing the guitar.

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Last modified: January 8, 2003. Send comments to webmaster@itano.net